A work impasse often results from pushing too hard - by S
About Work -
A work impasse often results from pushing too hard - Walking and writing aimlessly are necessary forms of waste.
A hardworking friend, feeling suffocated by work, invited me to join her escape on Camino de Santiago. Initially, it seemed like a fleeting idea to replace quitting their job. However, as we researched, we were drawn to this 800-kilometer path, developing a desire for "root-seeking".
It's not a spontaneous city break; it requires thoughtful planning.
Preparing for a journey involves physical fitness and financial readiness. As a 9-to-5 office worker, I lacked fitness and stamina. To improve, I walked 7-8 kilometers after work, initially for leg strength, but over a couple of months, my initial frustration vanished, leaving me mentally refreshed.
During walking practice, I'd head out with just my feet, unconcerned about speed or time. It simplified the world, allowing me to explore my familiar environment through this routine exercise.
After work, my mind often buzzed with unresolved work issues. I let my thoughts roam as I started walking, pondering client interactions and problem-solving.
"What did the client really mean by that?"
"Why do things have to be handled this way?"
"Can't they communicate more clearly?"
"Why so much overthinking?"
It wasn't so much thinking as getting frustrated. My mind flared with anger, hijacking my body's controls, causing my limbs to freeze up in autopilot.
As I continued walking, my thoughts grew fragmented:
"Management fee bill in the mailbox, get it later."
"Grocery shopping at Wellcome?"
"Sweaty for Wellcome trip?"
"Leftovers at home?"
"Scaffolding gone across the street."
"Oops, walking form needs correction."
These seemingly pointless thoughts came and went. All those initial unmanageable concerns vanished, along with my emotions, leaving only observation.
After this seemingly meaningless stroll, once I return home and take a shower, my mind is refreshingly clear, like a cleaned window. That's why I enjoy writing after my walks.
With a diary and a pen, no eraser, I often start by contemplating broad questions like "What's truly important among all I want to do?" or "How am I feeling lately?" I may also describe recent impactful events, revisiting and reflecting on them to uncover hidden aspects.
Working through the big questions, sometimes forgiving others, other times forgiving myself.
Just like walking, it's one step at a time.
Digesting thoughts demands meticulous writing, breaking down complex issues into manageable fragments, absorbing the good, and excluding the bad, like the intricate process of chewing.
Walking and writing may seem like time-wasting activities with no direct benefits for life or work. However, they became necessary for me when I decided to embark on a pilgrimage, and surprisingly, they cleared the roadblocks in my life. These practices have not only improved my physical fitness but also boosted my mental and physical metabolism. If you've been feeling mentally foggy or having trouble focusing, consider trying these methods of digestion. Be careful, though – they can be addictive.
Cover photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash
#WorkAwakening #YourAwakening